[SPRING] resolved ambiguous beanValidation Email annotation imports; fix #13379 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[java-spring] Move JsonProperty annotation from field to getter 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[csharp-netcore] Fixed nrt bug 4 of 6 checklist items completed
[csharp-netcore] Suffixed variables with LocalVar to avoid conflicts 4 of 6 checklist items completed
[Java][Spring] option whether to generate required args constructor 6 of 6 checklist items completed
[Kotlin-Spring]: Dont't make readOnly properties nullable 4 of 5 checklist items completed
[csharp-netcore] Add missing ConfigureAwaits for csharp-netcore generator 5 of 5 checklist items completed
[Bug][Rust] fix: removes replacement which makes x-tag-name incompatible with spec 6 of 6 checklist items completed
[swift5] fix modelNamePrefix and -suffix for reserved types 5 of 6 checklist items completed
Remove API import from model tests in csharp-netcore client 6 of 6 checklist items completed
[csharp-netcore] Removed double encoding 4 of 6 checklist items completed
[C++][Pistache] Add some missing {{declspec}} on classes and functions 6 of 6 checklist items completed
[Ruby] fix `return_binary_data` with `attr_accessor` 6 of 6 checklist items completed
fix: Inline model schema's name is wrong 3 of 6 checklist items completed
[JAVASCRIPT] Fix inconsistent validateJSON and validateJsonObject calls, breaking object validation. 5 of 6 checklist items completed
[rust] Fix content-type in templates 4 of 6 checklist items completed
[csharp-netcore] Use scheme from base address 4 of 6 checklist items completed
[python-nextgen] fix bug fix and enhancement 5 of 5 checklist items completed
Change access level of LOGGER in new.sh to fix testLoggersAreNotPublicFinalAndNotStatic 5 of 5 checklist items completed