Fixed the HttpSigning issue for query string 5 of 6 checklist items completed
[C#] support .NET framework 4.7 6 of 6 checklist items completed
[C#][netcore] Use System.Environment.OSVersion in .NET standard 6 of 6 checklist items completed
[C#][netcore] use WriteRawValue instead of WriteRaw 6 of 6 checklist items completed
[C#][netcore] Add anyOf support 6 of 6 checklist items completed
Add gitignore to C# 2.0, Nancyfx generators 6 of 6 checklist items completed
Update c# gitignore 6 of 6 checklist items completed
[C#][netcore] Add custom converters for oneOf models 6 of 6 checklist items completed
[C#][netcore]Fixed the HTTPSigning to calculate the body diegest without CamelCase 4 of 6 checklist items completed
[C#][netcore] Add nullable support to oneOf models 6 of 6 checklist items completed
[c#][netcore] add proxy support 6 of 6 checklist items completed
[C#][netcore] better csharp tests 6 of 6 checklist items completed
[C#][netcore] fix warnings, remove trailing spaces 6 of 6 checklist items completed
[C#][netcore] convert FromJson to static method 6 of 6 checklist items completed
[C#][netcore] Rename HTTPSigningConfiguration.cs to HttpSigningConfiguration.cs 6 of 6 checklist items completed
[C#][netcore] Fix warnings in HTTPSigningConfiguration 6 of 6 checklist items completed
[C#][netcore] Add discriminator support to oneOf lookup 6 of 6 checklist items completed
[C#][netcore] update auto-generated test code 6 of 6 checklist items completed
[C#][netcore] Add oneOf support to C# .NET Core client 6 of 6 checklist items completed
Add AnyType support to C# generators 6 of 6 checklist items completed