Created by: selliera
In the generated java code, it is usefull to have the generated java api use the @Deprecated annotation. This enable to leverage this annotation at runtime to trigger specific logging for instance.
In the generated interface, use the @Deprecated annotation. Also, in the jax-rs implementation that links the jax-rs api with the cdi bean implementing the interface, use the @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") annotation. This way the deprecation warning is not shown in generated code.
One can use the interface as before: the java compiler can then tell which implementations do implement a deprecated api, using a warning. If the implementation itself also sets the @Deprecated annotation, then there is no warning, unless the implementation is called at another place in the code.
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cc @bbdouglas (2017/07) @sreeshas (2017/08) @jfiala (2017/08) @lukoyanov (2017/09) @cbornet (2017/09) @jeff9finger (2018/01) @karismann (2019/03) @Zomzog (2019/04) @lwlee2608 (2019/10)