[BUG] [Elixir] Missing body in POST or PUT cause crash (Simple Fix!)
Created by: madasebrof
This is a simple bug with a simple fix.
If an endpoint uses a POST or a PUT but doesn't require anything in the BODY tag, the underlying HTTP client on Elixir (Erlang) :httpc
will bomb.
E.g. generated code that looks like this:
@spec iserver_reauthenticate_post(Tesla.Env.client, keyword()) :: {:ok, ClientPortalWebAPI.Model.AuthStatus.t} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t}
def iserver_reauthenticate_post(connection, _opts \\ []) do
|> method(:post)
|> url("/iserver/reauthenticate")
|> Enum.into([])
|> (&Connection.request(connection, &1)).()
|> evaluate_response([
{ 200, %ClientPortalWebAPI.Model.AuthStatus{}}
will cause a crash like this:
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in :httpc.request/5
The following arguments were given to :httpc.request/5:
# 1
# 2
[{'user-agent', 'Elixir'}]}
# 3
[autoredirect: false]
# 4
# 5
(inets) httpc.erl:149: :httpc.request/5
(app) lib/client_portal_web_api/deps/tesla/lib/tesla/adapter/httpc.ex:52: Tesla.Adapter.Httpc.request/2
(app) lib/client_portal_web_api/deps/tesla/lib/tesla/adapter/httpc.ex:22: Tesla.Adapter.Httpc.call/2
(app) lib/client_portal_web_api/lib/client_portal_web_api/api/session.ex:58: ClientPortalWebAPI.Api.Session.iserver_reauthenticate_post/2
Becasue :httpc
doesn't allow a missing body for a POST or PUT.
The simple fix is to always include an empty body if the spec doesn't require anything, e.g. change:
|> Enum.into([])
|> Enum.into([body: %{}])
for a missing body for a POST or PUT.
@spec iserver_reauthenticate_post(Tesla.Env.client, keyword()) :: {:ok, ClientPortalWebAPI.Model.AuthStatus.t} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t}
def iserver_reauthenticate_post(connection, _opts \\ []) do
|> method(:post)
|> url("/iserver/reauthenticate")
|> Enum.into([body: %{}])
|> (&Connection.request(connection, &1)).()
|> evaluate_response([
{ 200, %ClientPortalWebAPI.Model.AuthStatus{}}
PS Thanks for all the work on this! Saved a ton of time!!!