[Java][Jersey2] Java6 compatibility broken in ApiClient using diamond operator without generic type inference
Created by: jcohen-stingray
ApiClient.mustache template for method invokeApi() uses return statements that do not conform to java 6 compatibility. Return statements should include generic type in method definition. Every other class generated with the java-jersey2 generator is java6 compatible with regards to diamond operators.
C:\dev\...\clientjava6\ApiClient.java:698: error: diamond operator is not supported in -source 1.6
return new ApiResponse<>(statusCode, responseHeaders);
(use -source 7 or higher to enable diamond operator)
1 error
openapi-generator version
OpenAPI gradle task specification
openApiGenerate {
inputSpec = swaggerInput.path
outputDir = swaggerOutputDir.path
generatorName = 'java'
library = 'jersey2'
invokerPackage = "com.stingray." + root_project_without_hyphen + ".$project.name".replaceAll(~/-/, "")
modelPackage = "com.stingray." + root_project_without_hyphen + ".$project.name".replaceAll(~/-/, "") + ".model"
apiPackage = "com.stingray." + root_project_without_hyphen + ".$project.name".replaceAll(~/-/, "") + ".api"
generateApiTests = true
generateApiDocumentation = false
generateModelTests = true
generateModelDocumentation = false
additionalProperties = [
'supportJava6' : 'true',
'dateLibrary' : 'threetenbp',
'sourceFolder' : 'src/generated/java/',
Steps to reproduce
- Using the gradle plugin and any valid specification swagger yaml file, run the openApiGenerate task to generate a java client.
- In the build.gradle file, set the compileJava settings to java 1.6:
compileJava {
sourceCompatibility = 1.6
targetCompatibility = 1.6
- Run gradle build to see the compilation error.
Suggest a fix/enhancement
The file ApiClient.mustache, add generic type to the 3 return statements of the method invokeApi():
if (response.getStatus() == Status.NO_CONTENT.getStatusCode()) {
return new ApiResponse<T>(statusCode, responseHeaders);
} else if (response.getStatusInfo().getFamily() == Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL) {
if (returnType == null)
return new ApiResponse<T>(statusCode, responseHeaders);
return new ApiResponse<T>(statusCode, responseHeaders, deserialize(response, returnType));
Lines 712 through 717.