[BUG] Import Mapping seems to not work with typescript-angular
Created by: filipvh
Bug Report Checklist
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I used importMapping in combination with the typescript-angular generator. Here is a redacted config file:
"npmName": "the-package-name",
"npmVersion": "1.8.0",
"ngVersion": "1.7.0",
"modelFileSuffix": ".type",
"npmRepository" : "http://domain/is/redacted",
"snapshot" : false,
"importMappings": {
openapi-generator version
What happens?
- The 'EnumValue' is not generated (is missing from model folder) => OK
- In an other type/interface EnumValue is still refferenced locally => NOK
import { EnumValue } from './enumValue.type';
What was expected?
- The 'EnumValue' is not generated (is missing from model folder)
- In an other type/interface EnumValue refferences the external package
import { EnumValue } from 'some-other-package';
Command line used for generation
generate -i model.yaml -g typescript-angular -c config.json -o out