Extra package prefix created for Typescript AngularJS
Created by: achew22
When OpenAPI generated PetApi.ts at 0373b74a, the output correctly had the signature:
public addPet (pet: models.Pet, extraHttpRequestParams?: any ) : ng.IHttpPromise<{}> {
When the file was regenerated at 059a3efe, it now has the signature of
public addPet (pet: models.models.Pet, extraHttpRequestParams?: any ) : ng.IHttpPromise<{}> {
as you can see in PetApi.ts
openapi-generator version
OpenAPI declaration file content or url
This is from the OpenAPI sample declaration.
Command line used for generation
The ones in the .pom file.
Steps to reproduce
- Build OpenAPI
- Build the samples
- Notice that the path is incorrect and that it doesn't compile through the TS compiler.
Related issues/PRs
I looked but didn't see one. If I'm incorrect, please feel free to close this issue.
Suggest a fix/enhancement
I think this could be found by doing a bisection from the two provided commits and then mvn build'ing them and grepping for \.models\.models
which would find it.
Additionally you might consider adding a test that regenerates the sample files and does a diff against what is checked in failing if there is a diff. This would ensure that the checked in files reflect the new reality of the generated code. Additionally, this would give you a nice diff every time someone did something that changed the generated code. Just a thought.
PS: Congrats on your progress post fork