Adds the new AVX-512 opcodes valignd, valignq, vblendmps, vblendmpd, vcompressps, vcompresspd, vexpandps, vexpandpd, vfixupimmps, vfixupimmpd, vfixupimmss, vfixupimmsd, vgetexppd, vgetexpps, vgetexpsd, vgetexpss, vgetmantpd, vgetmantps, vgetmantsd, vgetmantss, vpblendmb, vpblendmw, vpblendmd, vpblendmq, vpcompressq, vpcompressd, vpexpandd, vpexpandq, vptestmb, vptestmw, vptestmd, vptestmq, vptestnmb, vptestnmw, vptestnmd, vptestnmq.
Adds tests for above.
Opcodes have been checked against llvm-mc, binutils/gas/objdump and capstone.
Issue: #1312