Created by: Carrotman42
This relies on fake maps data retrieved from the DR test suite using the included record_memquery_library_bounds_by_iterator function, and then manually curating a set of interesting examples. I did not spend a lot of time curating so there may be some repetition in the tests, but I figure it's not a huge deal since it executes faster than a blink of an eye (even with all 600-some test cases I originally ended up with).
I included some convenience macros for testing which were more convenient than the existing ones; in particular, mine support arbitrary format strings in error messages and print out more verbose results even in release mode.
Please feel free to pick apart exactly how I implemented this (e.g. using macros to swap out dependency logic during standalone unit tests, how data/tests are placed in headers and directly included from the middle of other files). I am happy to make any changes you'd like.
Issue: #3387