set up mcontext for app execution instead of taking over at our return
From on November 27, 2011 13:34:33
split from issue #234 for earliest injection:
* XXX NOCHECKIN TOFILE: app_takeover sets preinjected for rct (should prob. rename)
* which needs to be done whenever we takeover not at the bottom of the
* callstack. For earliest won't need to set this if we takeover
* in such a way as to handle the return back to our hook code without a
* violation -- though currently we will see 3 rets (return from
* dynamorio_app_take_over(), return from here, and return from
* dynamorio_earliest_init_takeover() to app hook code).
* Should we have dynamorio_earliest_init_takeover() set up an
* mcontext that we can go to directly instead of interpreting
* the returns in our own code? That would make tools that shadow
* callstacks simpler too.
Original issue: