HANG on Appveyor hitting 1-hour timeout with logs ending much sooner
While moving Appveyor to VS2017/Win10 (#2924 (closed)) I hit several cases where Appveyor failed because the build hit their 1-hour time limit. Yet the full log ended at much less than 1 hour: 40 minutes, 20 minutes, and in the latest case 17 minutes. It ended during the 64-bit build a few times, and during the 32-bit build a few times. I ran locally to see if I could repro any popups or something and I did find a few, which I fixed in PR #3999. I thought it was all behind us but now I just saw another timeout:
I've attached the full log. It ends with:
[00:17:28] test 261
[00:17:28] Start 261: code_api,disable_traces|client.events
[00:17:28] 261: Test command: C:\projects\dynamorio\build\build_debug-internal-32\bin32\drrun.exe "-s" "90" "-quiet" "-debug" "-use_dll" "C:/projects/dynamorio/build/build_debug-internal-32/lib32/debug/dynamorio.dll" "-exit0" "-stderr_mask" "0xC" "-msgbox_mask" "0" "-dumpcore_mask" "0x7d" "-staged" "-code_api" "-disable_traces" "-c" "C:/projects/dynamorio/build/build_debug-internal-32/suite/tests/bin/client.events.dll.dll" "--" "C:/projects/dynamorio/build/build_debug-internal-32/suite/tests/bin/client.events.exe" "C:/projects/dynamorio/build/build_debug-internal-32/suite/tests/bin/client.events.appdll.dll"
[00:17:28] 261: Test timeout computed to be: 600
[00:17:28] 261: appdll initialized
[00:17:28] 261: exception event redirect
[00:17:28] 261: Redirect success!
[00:17:28] 261: exit event 2
[00:17:28] 261: exit event 1
[00:17:28] 261: module load event 1 is called 1 time
[00:17:28] 261: module load event 2 is called 1 time
[00:17:28] 261: thread init event 1 is called 1 time
[00:17:28] 261: thread init event 2 is called 1 time
[00:17:28] 261: bb event 1 is called 1 time
[00:17:28] 261: bb event 2 is called 1 time
[00:17:28] 261: delete event 1 is called 1 time
[00:17:28] 261: delete event 2 is called 1 time
[00:17:28] 261: filter syscall event 1 is called 1 time
[00:17:28] 261: filter syscall event 2 is called 1 time
[00:17:28] 261: pre syscall event 1 is called 1 time
[00:17:28] 261: pre syscall event 2 is called 1 time
[00:17:28] 261: post syscall event 1 is called 1 time
[00:17:28] 261: post syscall event 2 is called 1 time
The time prefix is the total time since the build started: so if the log itself is not truncated, it sat there for 43 minutes from that point.
Two tests have not finished:
$ egrep 'Test #|Start [0-9]' ~/Downloads/log\ \(24\).txt | cut -c 31-90 | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/\r$//' | sort | uniq -u
The invariants test:
[00:14:25] Start 221: code_api|tool.drcachesim.invariants
[00:14:25] 221: Test command: C:\projects\dynamorio\build\build_debug-internal-32\bin32\drrun.exe "-s" "90" "-quiet" "-debug" "-use_dll" "C:/projects/dynamorio/build/build_debug-internal-32/lib32/debug/dynamorio.dll" "-exit0" "-stderr_mask" "0xC" "-msgbox_mask" "0" "-dumpcore_mask" "0x7d" "-staged" "-code_api" "-t" "drcachesim" "-ipc_name" "drtestpipe_invariants" "-test_mode" "--" "C:/projects/dynamorio/build/build_debug-internal-32/suite/tests/bin/client.winxfer.exe"
[00:14:25] 221: Test timeout computed to be: 600
[00:14:25] 221: About to create thread
[00:17:15] 221: <Timeout expired - 1st wait, possible deadlock (or you were debugging)
[00:17:15] 221: version 7.91.18291, custom build
[00:17:15] 221: -no_dynamic_options -client_lib 'C:\projects\dynamorio\build\build_debug-internal-32/clients/lib32/debug/drmemtrace.dll;0;-ipc_name drtestpipe_invariants -test_mode' -code_api -probe_api -dumpcore_mask 125 -stderr_mask 12 -stack_size 56K -max_elide_jmp 0 -max_elide_call 0 -no_inline_ignored_syscalls -staged -native_exec_
Looks very similar to an earlier 1-hour timeout where I thought it was from a VCRT abort messagebox I saw over Appveyor RDP (could not repro locally; did not attempt to debug over RDP). I configured VCRT to not popup on abort via _CrtSetReportMode in PR #2999. That abort was:
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Debug Assertion Failed!
Program: ...io\build\build_debug-internal-64\clients\bin64\drcachesim.exe
File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\include\vector
Line: 1742
Expression: vector subscript out of range
For information on how your program can cause an assertion
failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts.
(Press Retry to debug the application)
Abort Retry Ignore
In a local run there was one other msgbox I did not yet try to suppress, b/c the suite kept going and the app was killed properly:
win32.tls.exe popped this up but it disappeared after ~30s:
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Debug Error!
Program: ...d_suite\build_debug-internal-32\suite\tests\bin\win32.tls.exe
abort() has been called
(Press Retry to debug the application)
Abort Retry Ignore
Several other tests have timed out (our CTest 90s timeout) with their last output 'About to create thread' on this VS2017/Win10 setup, presumably covered by #4058: 32-bit drutil-test; 64-bit callback; 32-bit drmgr-test up above.
So we have several action items:
- Add the _CrtSetReportMode to tools.h to avoid popups in test apps too
- Try to repro the hang in either client.events or drcachesim or the invariants test app
- If the app dies, on Windows drcachesim seems to wait forever for the pipe: can we add a timeout there
- Figure out and fix the underlying cause of the drcachesim vector abort()
- Figure out and fix the underlying cause of the win32.tls.exe abort()
- Try to repro and fix the problem at 'About to create thread'
Some of that may overlap with #4058.