droption bytesize_t does not support >32-bit literals (pre-suffix-expansion)
Created by: rkgithubs
For an application i'm trying to collect traces with -trace_after_instr and -exit_after_tracing options.
I'm trying to cut out the warm up phase, according to 'perf stat -e instructions -a' it took ~90B instructions.
perf stat -e instructions -a ^C
Performance counter stats for 'system wide':
92,106,941,277 instructions
16.751698236 seconds time elapsed
But tracing tool fails due to count being too large.
/root/DynamoRIO-x86_64-Linux-7.90.18019-0/bin64/drrun -t drcachesim -trace_after_instrs 90000000000 -exit_after_tracing 80000000000 -- /bin/sh /root/specpu2017/bin/runcpu --config=dummy-try2.cfg SPECspeed2017_int_base Usage error: Option trace_after_instrs value out of range.
Any suggestions on how does instructions count from perf tool correspond to how DynamoRIO is instruction counting.