Welcome to the place of questions asked a million times! Get your answer here. Again. :smile_cat:
**Q: There are similar projects, why won't you stop work?**
A: In simple words: Because we truly believe in our App, are very passionate about it and love Android. We don't do this for money, fame, nor to be "the cool kids on the block". Please see our note on [similar projects](https://github.com/SecUpwN/Android-IMSI-Catcher-Detector/wiki/Similar-Projects).
**Q: Why are you working on detection of IMSI-Catchers?**
A: As for me, SecUpwN, IMSI-Catchers are a small "phenomenon". The sole invention of such devices and the usage of vehicles to drive around and get access to the data of the most personal device a human currently carries around each day, is a perfect example for the so-called "surveillance state" (great video: "[Überwachungsstaat](http://youtu.be/iHlzsURb0WI)"). But also on a broader view how broken humanity in itself is. Furthermore, I still cannot believe that people really keep using their phones for talking about the most intimate details in their lives, even though the technology their phone uses is [completely broken](http://cryptome.org/0001/gsm-a5-files.htm) and every single word they say is being analyzed and stored by [ECHELON](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECHELON). It might be that a majority of people will likely never think or care about IMSI-Catchers and governments as well as agencies listening in on their private calls, but I do feel it is my personal contribution to human mankind to work on an App that gives back some of that privacy and intimacy some people did not even realize loosing. The pure thought on IMSI-Catcher vehicles makes me shiver, but also gives me some sort of excitement (just like the one I got when listening to detective stories when I was a kid), thus I even look out for them on the streets while walking around. Knowing that there are people out there who are as concerned as I am and are working together on a tool to detect the bad guys, really makes me feel warm and fuzzy. This whole thing is a nightmare only a few people know about an fight against - yet!
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