v0.1.10-alpha Several Bugs
Created by: E3V3A
@SecUpwN @xLaMbChOpSx
Hello, I just spent 3 hours writing a detailed bug report for the last few days when my browser crashed and I lost the Github issue I was writing on. Damn! I will not be able to recreate even half the original post. So let me try to recreate the most important parts.
I also spent a hell of a terrible time trying to flashed SlimKat KK 4.4.2. So now I can use all the latest AOS/AOSP features. However, I'm not very happy with this ROM, it's quite quirky and some things just doesn't work in a sensible way. Like turning on/off GPS and packet data, for example.
[ro.build.description][GT-I9100-user 4.1.2 JZO54K release-keys]
[ro.build.display.id][slim_i9100-userdebug 4.4.2 KVT49L 3666 test-keys]
[ril.hw_ver][MP 1.300]
[rild.libargs] [-d /dev/ttyS0]
[rild.libpath] [/system/lib/libsec-ril.so]
- Database Viewer: "Cell Data" is empty upon start, so when selected and doesn't contain any data, no warning is given.
- Database Viewer: "Signal Strength Data" is empty, but warning is given.
- Database Viewer: When "Cell Data" is selected and doesn't contain ant data, no warning is given.
- Show Map: Map starts at an "angle" where north is not up and map is not "flat".
- Map settings are not saved between views.
- Even if user have already "Update openCellID Data" in menu, when going to map, it is empty and OpenCellID need to be downloaded again.
- OpenCellID data seem irregular.. not sure whats going on. Sometimes showing some towers at other times not. Need to reconsider how to use their data. This issue should be noted and postponed for further study.
Proposed Changes:
- Add an "About" menu item that contain the current version of AIMSICD, including authors, developers and disclaimers.
- Only show menu item "Track Femtocell" if mobile supports this.
- Store LAC/CID DB data in Hex
- Preferences: Invert the logic of "Disable Persistent Service" and change to "Enable Persistant Service". (Default: Off)
- Remove "Track Signal" and merge the signal strength data into the "Track Cell" instead.
- When user disables "Track Cell", "Track location" should be automatically disabled as well, but not the opposite.
- Implement @illarionov test app solution to detect stuff[1]. Try to make automatic detection if phone is compatible with this. Optionally, but don't speend too much time, make it as a manual setting in Preferences, that user have to enable.
- On main window, try to make some kind of indication of, when values have recently changed. Right now it look very static, and I'm not even able to tell if anything changes. An idea is to make the changed text in some bright color (yellow?) immediately after a chang from previous value. Then after some time it slowly fades back to original blue, unless there is another variable which just changed, in which case the fall-back-color-change is immediate. Possible? I'm think that would be hard to do, but would be ubercool to see, so don't spend all your time on that. The fallback-time could be changed in Preferences or as part of the polling time.
[1] Prelimianry stuff is: - SIM cipering indiaction - Neighboring Cells + data
- Do we have any measure about the polling time? I mean, how fast do these variables update? How fast can we measure/detect these changes?