# Distributed components (Dispatchers and Instances)
Let's start with the definitions:
An **_Instance_** is a scanner server which can be operated via a remote procedure call protocol -- simple enough.
A **_Dispatcher_** is a server which provides clients with _Instances_.
Its main job is to maintain a pool of _Instances_ and whenever a clients issues
a _dispatch_ call to pop one from the pool and give its connection details to the client.
Just as importantly, it's responsible for never letting the pool deplete by replenishing it after every _dispatch_ call.
The aforementioned connection details include the URL of the Instance (_host:port_) and its authentication token,
you can imagine what happens after that.
Both servers use the same RPC protocol, [Arachni-RPC](https://github.com/Arachni/arachni-rpc),
but they, of course, have different [APIs](https://github.com/Arachni/arachni/wiki/RPC-API).
The above is the simple version, in reality both the Instance and Dispatcher servers
are much more elaborate systems; more about that in the [[High Performance Grid | HPG]] section. |