... | ... | @@ -2492,10 +2492,9 @@ Tells Arachni what protocol to use to connect and comunicate with the proxy serv |
<h2 id='cli_help_output'><a href='#cli_help_output'>CLI Help Output</a></h2>
$ arachni -h
Arachni - Web Application Security Scanner Framework v0.4.6
Arachni - Web Application Security Scanner Framework v1.0
Author: Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos <tasos.laskos@gmail.com>
(With the support of the community and the Arachni Team.)
... | ... | @@ -2504,234 +2503,288 @@ Arachni - Web Application Security Scanner Framework v0.4.6 |
Documentation: http://arachni-scanner.com/wiki
Usage: arachni [options] url
Usage: ./bin/arachni [options] URL
Supported options:
-h, --help Output this message.
--version Show version information.
General ----------------------
--authorized-by EMAIL_ADDRESS
E-mail address of the person who authorized the scan.
(It'll make it easier on the sys-admins during log reviews.)
(Will be used as a value for the 'From' HTTP request header.)
--help Output this.
--version Show version information and exit.
--verbose Show verbose output.
-v Be verbose.
--debug [LEVEL 1-3] Show debugging information.
--debug Show what is happening internally.
(You should give it a shot sometime ;) )
--only-positives Only output positive results.
--only-positives Echo positive results *only*.
--http-username=<string> Username for HTTP authentication.
--scope-include-pattern PATTERN
Only include resources whose path/action matches PATTERN.
(Can be used multiple times.)
--http-password=<string> Password for HTTP authentication.
Follow links to subdomains.
(Default: false)
--http-req-limit=<integer> Concurrent HTTP requests limit.
(Default: 20)
(Be careful not to kill your server.)
(*NOTE*: If your scan seems unresponsive try lowering the limit.)
--scope-exclude-pattern PATTERN
Exclude resources whose path/action matches PATTERN.
(Can be used multiple times.)
--http-queue-size=<integer> Maximum amount of requests to keep in the queue.
Bigger size means better scheduling and better performance,
smaller means less RAM consumption.
(Default: 500)
--scope-exclude-content-pattern PATTERN
Exclude pages whose content matches PATTERN.
(Can be used multiple times.)
--http-timeout=<integer> HTTP request timeout in milliseconds.
Exclude non text-based pages.
(Binary content can confuse passive checks that perform pattern matching.)
--cookie-jar=<filepath> Netscape HTTP cookie file, use curl to create it.
--scope-redundant-path-pattern PATTERN:LIMIT
Limit crawl on redundant pages like galleries or catalogs.
(URLs matching PATTERN will be crawled LIMIT amount of times.)
(Can be used multiple times.)
--cookie-string='<name>=<value>; <name2>=<value2>'
--scope-auto-redundant [LIMIT]
Only follow URLs with identical query parameter names LIMIT amount of times.
(Default: 10)
Cookies, as a string, to be sent to the web application.
--scope-directory-depth-limit LIMIT
Directory depth limit.
(Default: inf)
(How deep Arachni should go into the site structure.)
--user-agent=<string> Specify user agent.
--scope-page-limit LIMIT
How many pages to crawl and audit.
(Default: inf)
--scope-extend-paths FILE
Add the paths in FILE to the ones discovered by the crawler.
(Can be used multiple times.)
Specify custom headers to be included in the HTTP requests.
--scope-restrict-paths FILE
Use the paths in FILE instead of crawling.
(Can be used multiple times.)
--authed-by=<string> E-mail address of the person who authorized the scan.
(It'll make it easier on the sys-admins during log reviews.)
(Will be used as a value for the 'From' HTTP header.)
--scope-url-rewrite PATTERN:SUBSTITUTION
Rewrite URLs based on the given PATTERN and SUBSTITUTION.
To convert: http://test.com/articles/some-stuff/23 to http://test.com/articles.php?id=23
Use: /articles\/[\w-]+\/(\d+)/:articles.php?id=\1
--scope-dom-depth-limit LIMIT
How deep to go into the DOM tree of each page, for pages with JavaScript code.
(Default: 10)
(Setting it to '0' will disable browser analysis.)
--scope-https-only Forces the system to only follow HTTPS URLs.
(Default: false)
--login-check-url=<url> A URL used to verify that the scanner is still logged in to the web application.
(Requires 'login-check-pattern'.)
--audit-links Audit links.
A pattern used against the body of the 'login-check-url' to verify that the scanner is still logged in to the web application.
(Requires 'login-check-url'.)
--audit-forms Audit forms.
Profiles -----------------------
--audit-cookies Audit cookies.
--save-profile=<filepath> Save the current run profile/options to <filepath>.
Submit all links and forms of the page along with the cookie permutations.
(*WARNING*: This will severely increase the scan-time.)
--load-profile=<filepath> Load a run profile from <filepath>.
(Can be used multiple times.)
(You can complement it with more options, except for:
* --modules
* --redundant)
--audit-headers Audit headers.
--show-profile Will output the running profile as CLI arguments.
--audit-link-template TEMPLATE
Regular expression with named captures to use to extract input information from generic paths.
To extract the 'input1' and 'input2' inputs from:
(Can be used multiple times.)
Audit elements with both GET and POST requests.
(*WARNING*: This will severely increase the scan-time.)
--audit-exclude-vector PATTERN
Exclude input vectorS whose name matches PATTERN.
(Can be used multiple times.)
Crawler -----------------------
--audit-include-vector PATTERN
Include only input vectors whose name matches PATTERN.
(Can be used multiple times.)
-e <regexp>
--exclude=<regexp> Exclude urls matching <regexp>.
(Can be used multiple times.)
--exclude-page=<regexp> Exclude pages whose content matches <regexp>.
(Can be used multiple times.)
--input-value PATTERN:VALUE
PATTERN to match against input names and VALUE to use for them.
(Can be used multiple times.)
-i <regexp>
--include=<regexp> Include *only* urls matching <regex>.
(Can be used multiple times.)
--input-values-file FILE
YAML file containing a Hash object with regular expressions, to match against input names, as keys and input values as values.
Do not use the system default input values.
Limit crawl on redundant pages like galleries or catalogs.
(URLs matching <regexp> will be crawled <limit> amount of times.)
(Can be used multiple times.)
--input-force Fill-in even non-empty inputs.
--auto-redundant=<limit> Only follow <limit> amount of URLs with identical query parameter names.
(Default: inf)
(Will default to 10 if no value has been specified.)
--follow-subdomains Follow links to subdomains.
(Default: off)
--http-user-agent USER_AGENT
Value for the 'User-Agent' HTTP request header.
(Default: Arachni/v1.0)
--depth=<integer> Directory depth limit.
(Default: inf)
(How deep Arachni should go into the site structure.)
--http-request-concurrency MAX_CONCURRENCY
Maximum HTTP request concurrency.
(Default: 20)
(Be careful not to kill your server.)
(*NOTE*: If your scan seems unresponsive try lowering the limit.)
--link-count=<integer> How many links to follow.
(Default: inf)
--http-request-timeout TIMEOUT
HTTP request timeout in milliseconds.
(Default: 50000)
--redirect-limit=<integer> How many redirects to follow.
(Default: 20)
--http-request-redirect-limit LIMIT
Maximum amount of redirects to follow for each HTTP request.
(Default: 5)
--extend-paths=<filepath> Add the paths in <file> to the ones discovered by the crawler.
(Can be used multiple times.)
--http-request-queue-size QUEUE_SIZE
Maximum amount of requests to keep in the queue.
Bigger size means better scheduling and better performance,
smaller means less RAM consumption.
(Default: 500)
--restrict-paths=<filepath> Use the paths in <file> instead of crawling.
(Can be used multiple times.)
--http-request-header NAME=VALUE
Specify custom headers to be included in the HTTP requests.
(Can be used multiple times.)
--https-only Forces the system to only follow HTTPS URLs.
--http-response-max-size LIMIT
Do not download response bodies larger than the specified LIMIT, in bytes.
(Default: inf)
--http-cookie-jar COOKIE_JAR_FILE
Netscape-styled HTTP cookiejar file.
Auditor ------------------------
--http-cookie-string COOKIE
Cookie representation as an 'Cookie' HTTP request header.
--audit-links Audit links.
--http-authentication-username USERNAME
Username for HTTP authentication.
--audit-forms Audit forms.
--http-authentication-password PASSWORD
Password for HTTP authentication.
--audit-cookies Audit cookies.
--http-proxy ADDRESS:PORT
Proxy to use.
--exclude-cookie=<name> Cookie to exclude from the audit by name.
(Can be used multiple times.)
--http-proxy-authentication USERNAME:PASSWORD
Proxy authentication credentials.
--exclude-vector=<name> Input vector (parameter) not to audit by name.
(Can be used multiple times.)
--http-proxy-type http,http_1_0,socks4,socks5,socks4a
Proxy type.
(Default: auto)
--audit-headers Audit HTTP headers.
(*NOTE*: Header audits use brute force.
Almost all valid HTTP request headers will be audited
even if there's no indication that the web app uses them.)
(*WARNING*: Enabling this option will result in increased requests,
maybe by an order of magnitude.)
Coverage -----------------------
--checks-list [PATTERN] List available checks based on the provided pattern.
(If no pattern is provided all checks will be listed.)
--audit-cookies-extensively Submit all links and forms of the page along with the cookie permutations.
(*WARNING*: This will severely increase the scan-time.)
--checks CHECK,CHECK2,...
Comma separated list of checks to load.
Checks are referenced by their filename without the '.rb' extension, use '--checks-list' to list all.
Use '*' as a check name to load all checks or as a wildcard, like so:
xss* to load all XSS checks
sqli* to load all SQL injection checks
--fuzz-methods Audit links, forms and cookies using both GET and POST requests.
(*WARNING*: This will severely increase the scan-time.)
You can exclude checks by prefixing their name with a minus sign:
The above will load all checks except for the 'backup_files' and 'xss' checks.
--exclude-binaries Exclude non text-based pages from the audit.
(Binary content can confuse recon modules that perform pattern matching.)
Or mix and match:
-xss* to unload all XSS checks.
Modules ------------------------
--lsmod=<regexp> List available modules based on the provided regular expression.
(If no regexp is provided all modules will be listed.)
(Can be used multiple times.)
--plugins-list [PATTERN]
List available plugins based on the provided pattern.
(If no pattern is provided all plugins will be listed.)
PLUGIN is the name of the plugin as displayed by '--plugins-list'.
(Plugins are referenced by their filename without the '.rb' extension, use '--plugins-list' to list all.)
(Can be used multiple times.)
-m <modname,modname,...>
Comma separated list of modules to load.
(Modules are referenced by their filename without the '.rb' extension, use '--lsmod' to list all.
Use '*' as a module name to deploy all modules or as a wildcard, like so:
xss* to load all xss modules
sqli* to load all sql injection modules
--platforms-list List available platforms.
You can exclude modules by prefixing their name with a minus sign:
The above will load all modules except for the 'backup_files' and 'xss' modules.
Disable platform fingerprinting.
(By default, the system will try to identify the deployed server-side platforms automatically
in order to avoid sending irrelevant payloads.)
Or mix and match:
-xss* to unload all xss modules.)
--platforms PLATFORM,PLATFORM2,...
Comma separated list of platforms (by shortname) to audit.
(The given platforms will be used *in addition* to fingerprinting. In order to restrict the audit to
these platforms enable the '--platforms-no-fingerprinting' option.)
Reports ------------------------
--login-check-url URL URL to use to verify that the scanner is still logged in to the web application.
(Requires 'login-check-pattern'.)
--lsrep=<regexp> List available reports based on the provided regular expression.
(If no regexp is provided all reports will be listed.)
(Can be used multiple times.)
--login-check-pattern PATTERN
Pattern used against the body of the 'login-check-url' to verify that the scanner is still logged in to the web application.
(Requires 'login-check-url'.)
--repload=<filepath> Load audit results from an '.afr' report file.
(Allows you to create new reports from finished scans.)
--profile-save-filepath FILEPATH
Save the current configuration profile/options to FILEPATH.
<report>: the name of the report as displayed by '--lsrep'
(Reports are referenced by their filename without the '.rb' extension, use '--lsrep' to list all.)
(Default: stdout)
(Can be used multiple times.)
--profile-load-filepath FILEPATH
Load a configuration profile from FILEPATH.
Plugins ------------------------
Browser cluster
--browser-cluster-pool-size SIZE
Amount of browser workers to keep in the pool and put to work.
--lsplug=<regexp> List available plugins based on the provided regular expression.
(If no regexp is provided all plugins will be listed.)
(Can be used multiple times.)
--browser-cluster-job-timeout SECONDS
Maximum allowed time for each job.
--browser-cluster-worker-time-to-live LIMIT
Re-spawn the browser of each worker every LIMIT jobs.
<plugin>: the name of the plugin as displayed by '--lsplug'
(Plugins are referenced by their filename without the '.rb' extension, use '--lsplug' to list all.)
(Can be used multiple times.)
Do not load images.
Platforms ----------------------
Browser screen width.
--lsplat List available platforms.
Browser screen height.
--no-fingerprinting Disable platform fingerprinting.
(By default, the system will try to identify the deployed server-side platforms automatically
in order to avoid sending irrelevant payloads.)
--report-save-path PATH Directory or file path where to store the scan report.
You can use the generated file to create reports in several formats with the 'arachni_report' executable.
Comma separated list of platforms (by shortname) to audit.
(The given platforms will be used *in addition* to fingerprinting. In order to restrict the audit to
these platforms enable the '--no-fingerprinting' option.)
Proxy --------------------------
--snapshot-save-path PATH
Directory or file path where to store the snapshot of a suspended scan.
You can use the generated file to resume the scan with the 'arachni_restore' executable.
--proxy=<server:port> Proxy address to use.
--proxy-auth=<user:passwd> Proxy authentication credentials.
Stop the scan after the given duration is exceeded.
--proxy-type=<type> Proxy type; can be http, http_1_0, socks4, socks5, socks4a
(Default: http)
``` |
--timeout-suspend Suspend after the timeout.
You can use the generated file to resume the scan with the 'arachni_restore' executable.``` |